Coffee Guild is a coffee shop with a twist. It aims to be a go-to place for a wide range of customers, especially young professionals, freelancers, and coffee lovers. The project's mission is to offer a warm and inviting space where people can work, meet, or simply relax while enjoying top-notch, organic coffee.
Logo Requirements:
Establishment Date Inclusion: 
The logo must incorporate the establishment date, a key element that adds a sense of history and authenticity to Coffee Guild.
Badge Style: 
The logo design should follow a badge-style format, offering a classic and timeless appearance that resonates with the establishment's ambiance.
Muted, Relaxed, and Calm Colors: 
The color palette should consist of muted, relaxed, and calm tones, evoking a sense of serenity and comfort for customers.
Coffee Element Inclusion: 
The logo should feature a coffee-related element to immediately convey the essence of Coffee Guild and its commitment to high-quality coffee.
Thank You! 
Please contact me if you are interested in working together.

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